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FAMxDigiJuridica: Inspire More

When getting ready for your career, sometimes working as hard as you can doesn’t feel like enough. Networking your way through your career and finding the environment that suits you best can be quite challenging. Sometimes you have to create an environment that suits you, establish your own space because you know you deserve to be there. How do you successfully navigate your own path?

FAM and Digi Juridica have worked together to invite some incredible guests to share their story about facing obstacles and overcoming them so that they can inspire you to do the same. Join us to listen and chat about how work environments can sometimes seem intimidating, yet are worth persevering for. We will touch on topics like sexism, discrimination, impostor syndrome and self-empowerment. We hope that this event will inspire you to overcome any self doubts you might have and to secure the career of your dreams, and maybe someday it will be your turn to inspire students.

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21 May

Online visit: Considerati

3 June

Webinar: Artificial Intelligence for Sustainable Development Goals